Tips For Workaholic Engineers Who Need To Unwind

Come on, you need to take a break. You deserve it.

Source: Allurmedia

While quite a few of us engineers think of our jobs as a form of suffering or sacrifice, you’ll be surprised by how many engineers love their jobs, maybe even a little too much. And yes, being a workaholic can be addicting, especially if you’re doing what you love and you’re getting paid high. However, we all need time to relax. Our brain isn’t meant to handle large amounts of stress and work, so if you want to maintain peak performance, you need to give yourself some time off as well. For a workaholic, taking a break might seem impossible, so here’s 5 tips to help you unwind.

1)      Chill

Source: Tenor

Sometimes, it’s okay to just chill and take a break. Yes, working all day might seem exhilarating for you, but it definitely isn’t for your brain, and high intensity jobs take a toll on both your physical and mental health. Your body and mind needs some time to rest and reboot to function properly, and without it, we might not even work to our fullest, and stunt our own career growth. So relax, breathe, chill, and play. It’s good for you.

2)      Hack your nervous system

Source: The Homestead Guru

Studies show that when conditioned properly, our brains can relax on cue. Unplug all your devices and turn off all the lights before you sleep. Even just small distractions like your phone’s LED light can disrupt your body’s biological rhythm, taking away its chance to recover properly. Breathing exercises, tai chi, and yoga can also help calm your soothe your body and mind. When you’re breathing is calm, your body eases, and your mind relaxes.

Read more  Non-Caffeinated Ways to Help Engineers Stay Awake

3)      Train your brain

Source: Assignment Expert

Our brains are made to have a routine. You need to establish a routine to help you unwind easier. Take your sleep habits seriously, have a morning and nighttime routine and a regular meditation practice. Find a hobby that helps you release stress. Even on vacations, you should keep these routines in mind. If your mind finds that your schedule is organized and everything in place, it can be at ease.

4)      Schedule your fun time

Source: Giphy

Grant yourself some rest and relaxation time, and keep it on your to-do list as if it was part of your work. Schedule it on your calendar to make sure it happens. Even if it’s months away, studies show that even just the anticipation of a vacation boosts our happiness.

5)      Reap the benefits

Source: Daily Devotionals

Significance and contribution to society is something everyone craves for, but know that in your job is not the only place to find it. When you start to value your free time as an integral part of your life, you can begin to embark on more soul-enriching adventures. You can look forward to quality time with your friends, family, and even just yourself. Your job will still be there when you get back, so why not enjoy the moment as it is?

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

Tips For Workaholic Engineers Who Need To Unwind

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