What Makes A Good Engineering Boss?

They bring out the best in their employees

We all know that having a perfect boss is impossible, but we do know that good bosses do exist. So if you’re aspiring to be a good boss, or want to see if your boss has the “good boss” qualities, then read on. Here are some characteristics that makes a good engineering boss.

Good Engineering bosses values their employees

Source: KBIC

A good engineering boss will show his/her employees that they are valued. Good engineering bosses go the extra mile to make sure their team knows that their work is appreciated. They commend their employees with a “good job on that project!” or send personalized emails of thanks to show that the employee did exemplary on a certain task.

Good Engineering bosses know how to encourage struggling employees

Source: Blogspot

Once in awhile there will be one or more employees who would struggle with the tasks. Good engineering bosses should learn to be sensitive to those individuals and encourage them to finish the task.

This could also be the best time where bosses will be able to see what certain skills certain employees lack, and help them grow by giving them the right training to improve the skills that they lack.

Good Engineering bosses let go

Source: The Economic Times

This means that when a boss delegates a task to their employee, he/she gives the employee the freedom to finish the task in his own way. This doesn’t mean abandoning the employee all the way of course. All the necessary resources, tools and support will be given as well.

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Good bosses don’t micromanage, since this “cuts” off an employee’s freedom to learn and grow as a professional.

Good Engineering bosses encourages risk-taking

Source: Business Insider

Calculated ones that is. The best part about being an engineer is that we get to think outside of the box. The more ideas the better, and risk-taking always comes hand in hand with this. A good boss encourages calculated risk-taking since it’s a good way to bring out the strategist in their employees. It’s also a good way to show that the boss trusts his/her employees.

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What Makes A Good Engineering Boss?

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