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Nissan’s New Electric Car Won’t Be Needing The Brake Pedal Soon

You’ll be able to speed up, slow down, and brake with just the accelerator pedal.

The Nissan Leaf 2018, the company’s 100% electric car, will be featuring the e-Pedal. The e-Pedal will the a single-pedal that will be used for speeding up, slowing down, as well as stopping.

The e-Pedal

Conventionally, for a car to accelerate, the driver needs to step on the pedal and to stop, the driver will need to step on the brakes. However, for the e-Pedal, only a single pedal is used to accelerate or decelerate the car. If the driver needs to halt the car, the driver just needs to take their foot off the pedal. The car will decelerate quickly and it will come to a stop. This is called regenerative braking.

Source: YouTube, Nissan

According to the company in a press release, “With the flip of a switch, the technology turns your accelerator into an e-Pedal, allowing drivers to accelerate, decelerate and stop using just the e-Pedal*. e-Pedal technology is the world’s first one-pedal operation that allows drivers to bring the car to a complete stop even on hills, stay in position, and resume driving instantly.”

Regenerative Braking Technology

Regenerative braking technology is not something new in the automobile industry, there are already several car models that use this concept as well but in their own unique ways. In this technology, the kinetic energy that is lost during braking is used to charge the car battery, and therefore helping the battery to charge up further.

Source: Nissan News

With the help of the e-Pedal, stressful driving can be alleviated since drivers won’t be needing to switch between three or two pedals. Nissan hopes that with their e-Pedal, drivers will be able to enjoy driving more.

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In Nissan’s press release, they said “The e-Pedal technology represents another key milestone in Nissan’s ongoing commitment to bring accessible, advanced driver assistance technologies to the mainstream. Set to make driving safer and more enjoyable, the development of these technologies is part of Nissan Intelligent Mobility, the company’s blueprint for transforming how cars are driven, powered and integrated into society.” Nissan claims that the newly introduced e-Pedal is good enough for 90% of the driving conditions within the city.”


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Nissan’s New Electric Car Won’t Be Needing The Brake Pedal Soon

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