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A Tiny Running W32 Engine

A hobbyist creates an engineering marvel out of his hands.

Miniature W32 Engine (Source: Motores Patelo)

If a hobbyist can make it, it is a piece of cake for the electrical engineers! At least that is exactly what it seems like. However, Jose Manuel Hermo Barrerio, a retired naval mechanic, worked his fingers to the bone to make the W32 engine.

Source: Motores Patelo

It is an astounding detailed project that you must take a look at. It took him almost 2,500 hours to build the engine from scratch. It runs very smoothly and even you’d be able to balance a coin on the engine while it is moving.

Source: Motores Patelo

Feel that it’s nerve-wracking to assemble such an engine like W32 for a hobbyist like Jose? He never thought he could not do it, considering he isn’t an engineer. While on the project, he had to keep track of hundreds of mechanical parts that had to be assembled together in the right order. Moreover, he had to be extremely patient and careful while choosing and attaching the parts. If you are thinking with your kickass engineering brain, you’d probably not understand the extent of hardship was it for an amateur hobbyist to construct a fully functional miniature W32 engine!

Jose is already popular among the engineering brains and modelers as Patelo. If you have not known him yet, you should note that he has impressed the Internet crowd with his intricately shaped mini-motors for years.

Source: Motores Patelo

Source: lainformacion

The most recent addition to his list of achievements is the model of the W32 engine. This is, up to this date, his most ambitious one. In this, he worked with more than 852 pieces by hand with around 632 screws. He seems to be good at keeping numbers correct! How could he assembled those tiny valve springs and parts is a matter of surprise. His hard work paid off and his engine behaved just like the real thing, only way smaller than the original one.

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A Tiny Running W32 Engine

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