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Here’s Why Coffee and Engineering Belong Together

For all those coffee-loving engineers out there



Coffee is a staple among various work environments, but it’s also a staple in your typical engineers’ college apartment.

That extra caffeine boost has it’s perks, but a lot of people are still convinced that its not for them.

If you’re one of those people who need a little push to get into coffee, here’s a few reasons why coffee and engineering belong together.

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It’s a healthy alternative to a whole bunch of stuff

Engineers are often faced with a whole lot of projects and simply do not have the time to “live healthy”. Going to the gym takes a long time, time that could have been spent finishing a paper. Although some people might see it bad, coffee is full of antioxidants and nutrients to keep you energized throughout your tight schedule.

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It keeps you awake. Period.


Coffee helps keep you active, especially when you’re feeling too tired to do anything. And when you’re a student, you’re always tired, and you just can’t point out why.

It’s good for procrastinating


Let’s face it, engineers are master procrastinators. We’ve all done a last-minute all-nighter during school, and it’s hell if you can’t even stay up to finish it. That’s where coffee comes in. An extra nudge to keep you going at night can save you from that failing grade.

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Rest days are fun, but so are late-night movie marathons


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There will be a time in your engineering life when your schedule magically opens up a free day. And what better way to use it than to binge-watch some movies and series that you’ve missed? Of course, you won’t have enough time to watch it all, but coffee keeps you up long enough to satisfy your “just one more episode” moments.

Buy Now – Multipurpose Oven, Coffee Maker, Frying Pan & Toaster

The natural hangover cure


Hangovers are a nightmare, and in engineering, they’re inevitable. If you’re one of those avid drinkers who like to celebrate with booze whenever you get a chance, coffee is your best mate. The bad morning headache can easily be brought down with a cup of hot coffee in the morning. Not only will it make you feel better, it’s also a good way to start the day.

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It helps you be prepared for the day ahead


Alright, while it’s not applicable for everybody, coffee helps some people be mentally prepared for their upcoming day. A single cup of coffee is enough to change their mood (hopefully for the better). While others listen to music, read the paper, or jog to get them prepared, some people like to relax, sit back, and drink their coffee every morning just so everything feels right.

Buy Now – Self Stirring Mug

Article Source:

Thought Catalog

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Cielo Santos

Engineer. Writer. Artist. Gamer. Musician. She dreams of building a time machine and help kittens take over the world. Is secretly the pink power ranger in real life.

Here’s Why Coffee and Engineering Belong Together

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