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Confessions: Computer Programmer Lost His Job Because He Kept Playing League of Legends

All things went well for him until the IT found out that he has not been doing his job at all. He was officially fired after that.

At one point in our lives, we got addicted to a game that left us spending more hours on it than we should be. If it happened to us in college, it’s more likely that our grades suffered and we ended up deleting the game to get good grades again. But for Reddit user FiletOfFish1066, his story cost him his job in a well-known tech company in the Bay Area.

Let’s call him FoF in this story.

Source: edX Blog

For graduated with a computer science degree and got a job for a tech company in the Bay Area, working as part of its Quality Assurance team. He shared that he automated most of his tasks after his eighth month on the job and continued to do so for six years.

He said, “From around six years ago up until now, I have done nothing at work. I am not joking. For 40 hours each week I go to work, play League of Legends in my office, browse Reddit, and do whatever I feel like. In the past six years I have maybe done 50 hours of real work. So basically nothing. And nobody really cared. The tests were all running successfully. I s*** you not, I had no friends or anything at work either, so nobody ever talked to me except my boss and occasionally the devs for the software I was testing.”

All things went well for him until the IT found out that FoF has not been doing his job at all. He was officially fired after that. After six years of automating his job, there has been one major problem for FoF: he forgot his programming skills.

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Source: Tumblr

He adds, “After six years, I literally do not even know how to write good software anymore. I basically forgot everything. I just played League of Legends and did nothing else. I got fit though, which is a plus, since I went to the gym every day during work. But I know nothing about programming or anything else. I am 28, without a job (although they are giving me three months of pay), and no skills. I have around $200k in my bank account since I still live with my parents and live frugally, so I won’t be starving or anything like that, and can definitely support myself.”

FoF’s story was shared a year ago so what do you think happened to him now? What do you think did he do with his $200k?

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Confessions: Computer Programmer Lost His Job Because He Kept Playing League of Legends

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